Tuesday, March 16, 2010


SXSW is a crazy week at our house. Especially this year because we are smack dab right in the middle of it! Last year here's what we did while Daddy was at SXSW. Gowalla was THE BIGGEST thing at SXSW this year and so it was extra busy. Adam had to constantly be on alert to deal with increased traffic and make last minute updates. He was up most nights until after 2am. We saw Daddy 2 times last week.
I'm not a good Mommy when I'm by myself, especially at dinner time. I'm exhausted and I already don't enjoy cooking. SO that means we ate "interesting" dinners. Two nights we went to local parks and had picnic dinners. One night we ate at the gym cafe. Another night we went downtown and met Daddy for dinner. And one night I cooked breakfast for dinner. Monday night was the first REAL dinner we had had in over a week and my kids ate those veggies, chicken, and organic mac & cheese like it was the best meal ever made (I felt a little bad that I had been so lazy.)
BUT we had a blast all week long. Yeah Adam was really busy but the kiddos and I had fun. We made forts, took long bubble baths, watched a new veggie tales movie, ate jelly beans, and even went shopping. We visited whenever we could downtown and even got to be right in the middle of all the fun one afternoon. (We got to march in a real life marching band.) On Saturday, we stole Daddy for a night and went to the gym for family swim. We had a blast swimming, riding down the slides, and enjoying the hot tub (Alexis even got in the pool.) Then we took showers, grabbed some of our favorite tacos, and headed downtown to enjoy some SXSW fun. We pushed the boys in the double stroller while I got as many check ins as I could on my new smart phone. The boys loved talked to everyone on the streets, playing at Daddy's work, and getting to drink some organic peach tea. Alexis fell asleep on Mommy so she too was in heaven.
Monday night was the big Gowalla party. AND I ACTUALLY GOT TO GO! I bought a dress, wore make up, and washed and dried my hair. I felt pretty cool when I showed up and got to walk past the 2 block line and get in VIP. I worked the t-shirt table for a lot of the night which was so fun cause I got to meet and talk to everyone! Then we spent the rest of the night rolling in the VIP room. I can't say much, but this is going to be a big year for Gowalla and I'm so proud of the whole team for all the hard work. It's such a blessing to have your husband working at something he loves doing and with this group of people. We're like a big family and I love them all.
It was a crazy week and I apoligize cause I got like NO pictures. Here's the best I can do....
The only picture I got this whole week.
My Gowalla passport!
My hot date and me at the Gowalla party.
My little girl. This picture was taken by one of Adam's co-workers at one of our favorite taco trucks. GET THIS: One Taco was one of the Gowalla sponsors for the week. So, when you checked into places downtown you could randomly win a free taco. How cool is that?!

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