Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Time to party...

Her birthday present; a new friend named Violet. She loves hugging the little dog and dancing because Violet sings songs about Alexis. It's a cute little toy and special because the boys picked it out.

We had fun celebrating Alexis' big day. We spent the morning playin with friends at the gym, going to Costco, and playin with her brothers. Then we took naps and got ready to PARTY. The Gowalla gang and some families from our community group came over to eat dinner and CAKE. It was a great time.

Time for CAKE!
Connor and Bryce decided to show her how delicious cake was. They feed her a couple of bites until their cake was ready and then they were off. It was cute while it lasted.
Eating cake with 1 hand.
"Yum this is good"
"Really good"
Eating cake with 2 hands. She loved that cake. She was so tired before we started the cake, but after she had a total sugar rush and stayed up another 30 minutes. She went straight to bed before everyone left, she was a tired little birthday girl!

1 comment:

Amy said...

Love all the birthday pictures . . . what a cutie!!

like the new blog design, too:-)

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