Thursday, May 5, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday, Bryce


You have been waiting to be 4 years old for a long time now and it was fun celebrating the big day with you today. I hope that it lived up to all you hoped it would be. It has been a joy watching you grow into a little boy this last year. You've even managed to design a style that is just Bryce. Your hair, smile, sparkling eyes, probably no underwear, and definitely no shirt is what you love to wear everyday.

This year I've had the joy of watching you continue your love for learning and you've begun asking even more questions about the world around you. You want to read and just might catch up to your older brother before we know it. You still love building things and are very good at it. One of your newest loves is being a big brother to your little sister. Your face lights up when I ask you to help your sister and you LOVE to play with her. You are so sweet with her, even if it means you have to play kitchen or babies. You do it because you are her big brother.

Now don't get me wrong, spending time with Daddy is still your favorite thing to do. Especially if it means the boys are outside. You are a jumping machine on the trampoline, can ride faster than anyone I know on your powerwheel, and love exploring the forest.

Your faith in Jesus is inspiring. You have concluded from all the stories you have learned that Jesus is a super hero and that is all there is to it. I love that about you. You refuse to believe your older brother when he tries to correct you and I pray that your self confidence in your faith NEVER CHANGES. (Jesus is a superhero in my book too.)

You are still my favorite cuddle buddy and get very mad at me if you don't get a kiss goodnight. Even if I'm not home when you go to bed, the next morning I get a scolding for missing our special goodnight routine. I hope that you never get too old to give me my special loves!!! I love you, Bryce!

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