Monday, April 18, 2011

Preparing our hearts for Easter

Each night this week we will be doing a family devotion time (which usually includes some kind of craft or activity and reading out of the Bible together.) My hope is that Easter becomes just as exciting as Christmas is to my kids. It's so sad that we make such a big deal about Christmas and then drop the ball on Easter. So this year we are trying a new tradition. We'll see how it goes!

Palm Sunday: We cut out and painted our very own palm leaves and then had our very own parade. We shouted "Hosanna" and chatted about why the people were so excited to see this man named; Jesus.

(We might have turned on some Skillet and rocked out too, we just had to put a McManus spin on the evening.)

What traditions do you remember and/or do with your kids? (I might just steal them)

1 comment:

Amy said...

hahaha. skillet. we love skillet here . . . start them out early on it, i think:-)
praying for you week!

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