Greetings Everyone,
WOW what a week! I still can't believe it's Friday already, did that feel fast to anyone else? Alexis is doing great! Every time we see her there is good news and I'm hoping she can come home VERY SOON. Please continue to pray.
I have decided to share with you all the joys I have personally experienced these last couple of days. I am sure I will blog about this expereince again, but for now I am trying to find joy in every situation. If there is one thing I have learned so far it is that even in my darkness moments God is there forever ready to shower me with love, peace, and much needed comfort. My heart goes out to those who don't know Jesus when times get seemingly unbearable. Trust me I had those moments!!!
1) The night I went to the hospital nether Adam nor I believed that I was going into labor, I really just wanted a nice sleeping pill. So when the nurse looked up and said "You're not leaving here without a baby" it was quite a SHOCK! The next moments calling my husband were quite comical. Remember that it was late and we were tired. We were not prepared so Adam had to pack my bag. Imagine the humor as I tried to explain where my panties were, which shirts I needed, what make-up to bring, and so on. First off I wear make up most days and not a lot, but for some reason my husband still has no idea where it is or what I use. Second, let me just say this, the day after birth when I went looking through the bag I found two bathing suit tops. Apparently I was going to swim. :D It was great fun teasing him! Good job Love!
2) The adrenaline burst I got when I only needed to push for 4 seconds. I would later have many moments when I felt like a complete and utter failure as a mother, but right then I felt like I deserved a gold medal or something.
3) Late night cable TV! Your hilarious ways and silly shows were just what I needed late nights when I had to lay there without my baby and pump. It was just a great distraction!
4) The joy of seeing Connor meet his sister. I was not there there first time and got a play by play from Adam. But the second time I got to see how beautiful it was. A smile never left his face and knowing that he was going to watch over her for the rest of their lives melted my heart.
5) Our friends and family immediately came to our rescue when things got tough. The Sadlers dropped everything and watched the boys allowing us to concentrate on having a baby earlier than we planned. The Minters came over and distracted us, our kids happily destroyed our house and sounds of laughter filled the rooms. Adam's parents got down here as fast as they could and have been taking great care of the boys and our house. I have not had to worry about cleaning, laundry, dishes, or groceries yet! And everyone else who has been covering us with prayer and encouragement. I feel so blessed to have so many people who love us so much!
6) The sweet minutes I get to hold my sweet Alexis. I was quickly reminded how easily I took for granted the pure privilege it was to have unlimited snuggle times with my boys. It also helped remind me that the time I get with all my babies as babies is SO short and to treasure every second when they are in my arms.
7) The hours I spent walking the halls of the hospital. Yes it was the only time during the night that my back wasn't completely burning with pain. But I also got to spend most minutes praying over Alexis and the boys, singing praises, and meditating on my Savior. Little did I know that I would need those moments later when times got so hard. I am still in awe every time I experience a type of pain that makes it hard to breath and how quickly the love of my Savior washes over and melts every bad thought or feeling away. What a faithful and wonderful Father we serve.
8) Finally my husband, Adam. I know that I made an exceptional choice when I married him and I love experiencing the times I am reminded that he is the only person I could ever imagine sharing my life with. But when times got really hard he became that rock I needed to keep me grounded in the Truth. His quiet way that calms my anxious heart, his sweet touches that remind me that he is always there, the way he can get me to smile even when I don't feel like it, and most importantly stepping up as a strong man of God and praying over me and my daughter when we needed it the most have been some of the most important moments over this last week. I love you!
I will continue to find the joy all situations and challenge you to do the same! Now sit back and enjoy some JOY as you watch a video of our BEAUTIFUL ALEXIS. I love you!
That was the sweetest video of Alexis, and your words about everything that has been going on and how strong your faith is,I just felt like crying :) Congrats she is just so beautiful :)
Cindy Lee (kurtz)
I am so proud of you Jenn and Adam. Alexis is beautiful. And such a lucky girl to be with you two. God is indeed in control and knew that the perfect place for this gift is in the hands of a special couple like yourselves. I am proud of the way you both trust in Him and the way you support each other. I can't wait to get there and help with my boys and girls. I love you all so much. GiGi.. (mom)
I just cried...again. Thanks for sharing the video of Alexis and for sharing your story. We are sitting in Shreveport tonight praying for you and your little girl. I can't wait to meet her in person!
You are such an inspirational person. You are so strong and have such an amazing faith in our Awesome Savior! Your little girl is absolutely gorgeous! I told my boys about there being a video of baby Alexis and they came runnin! They are well accustomed to medical equipment with Daddy being a quad. When they saw the monitor pads and the oxygen, they said we needed to pray. It was absolutely adorable. We will continue to keep you in our prayers and look forward to seeing video of her at home.
We love you guys!!
The Holmes Family 4
Tony, Cami, Michael and Matthew
I love how you two draw us all into this miracle called Alexis, her entrance into our world made so clear with your words and video. we are honored to be a small part, and look so forward to being a major member of her loving and caring family..Sweets I am so proud of you and Adam..
Your daddy will always be here for you all..
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